Academia Altimira
Barcelona, Spain
123 m2
To celebrate the 15 years of existence of Acadèmia Altimira, Laura and Mónica, sisters and owners of the academy, wanted Masquespacio to redesign their space. The redesign of the brand and interior is inspired by “Constructing” oneself as a person and through learning, defined here by the specialization in recitation classes and preparation for college and university exams of the academy.

Taking in mind the different age groups from the students in first case Masquespacio looked to create an image that could attract little kids, adolescents and young twentysomethings through a young design with actual colors and materials.

Three-quarter height plywood walls make the most from the little natural light that enters into the academy, besides offering acoustic solutions for the classrooms, while the sliding doors made of wood strips meanwhile allow closing the classrooms at any time, without losing the entering light from the corridor.

A ‘Face to Face’ zone from its part offers one to one classes for the students, besides a study area, that maintains the aesthetic lines of the academy.